Monday 13 September 2010

Happiness Exercise 2: The "Not-to-do-list"

This is part two in a series of bitesized exercises to help you boost your ability to create positive change in your life.

If you're anything like me, you'll find that To-Do lists aren't always effective. That's because other habits get in the way and procrastinate or alter the To-Do list on the way, or find that it wasn't realistic in the first place. Most of the clients I work with are aware that they have habits that limit their ability 'To-Do', but are unwilling, or unable to drop them. The "Not-to-do-list" is a simple way to cl
ear away the clutter of those little tendencies that we really should drop.

How to do it
Bring out your latest To-Do list and have a good long look at it. Think about all the things that typically get in the way of you completing your tasks: from a 'friendly conversation' with a colleague, to emailing someone rather than picking up the phone, to the all-consuming inbox checks. This is your Not-To-Do-List. Start off by focusing on 2 or three Not-To-Dos for a few days, until you've mastered them, then gradually add more.

What's it good for?
Wouldn't it be better if you could get done what you want to get down without it seeming like much effort? When we do our "Not-To-Dos," things tend to drag out and feel laboured. This is a simple and effective method for making more time for you to focus on the things that really matter. By streamlining your actions, you'll feel positive benefits in reducing stress and increasing your confidence in your own abilities.

Further reading:
Happiness Exercise 1: The "I like" page
What's your point? - Focus & one-pointedness

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